Carlos Motta, Artist


Selected Video Interviews, Video Presentations and Talks with Carlos Motta

Carlos Motta, Radio Web MACBA (2024)

Carlos Motta: Stigmata, Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá (March-June 23′)

Carlos Motta: History’s Backrooms / Book Launch & Panel Discussion, 
Portland Institute for Contemporary Art (PICA). Co-presented with P.P.O.W.
Gallery (December 8, 20′), with Hendrik Folkerts; Eungie Joo; and Miguel A. Lopez; moderated by Roya Amirsoleymani.

A Conversation with Carlos Motta: Art, Documentary, and Activism (May 13, 21′), Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts, Stanford University.

Carlos Motta: LGBT Asylum Seekers DCU Conferences, with Jean-Philippe Imbert. Dublin City University (April 9, 21′).

Searching for Missing Narratives: Karol Radziszewski, Carlos Motta and Laura Raicovich in Conversation. Co-presented by Residency Unlimited and Polish Cultural Institute, New York (December 15, 2020)

Movimiento queer, activismo y políticas del cuerpo: Entrevista con Carlos Motta y Pablo Bedoya con Inés Elvira Mejía (Plataforma Enlaces y Signo) (June 17, 2020) (En Español)

Queer Archives: Between the Individual and the Institutional, Vera List Center for Art and Politics, New York (January 20′) with Dean Erdmann, Tiona Nekkia McClodden, Carlos Motta, and Shannon Mattern. Moderated by Christiane Paul

Stonewall at 50: What Now?, Art Basel Miami (December 19′) with AA Bronson, and Sharmistha Ray. Moderated by Stuart Comer

Butterfly’s Mirror, Denniston Hill at the Dedalus Foundation (May 18′)
(with Itamar Mann, Carlos Motta, and Laura Raicovich)

Carlos Motta: The Crossing, Stedelijk Museum (September 17′)

Carlos Motta: Formas de libertad, Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín (MAMM) (December 17′)

Carlos Motta: The Problem of Democracy, Vilcek Foundation (Spring 16′)

Carlos Motta: Réquiem, MALBA (October 16′)

On “For Democracy There Must Be Love”, Röda Sten Konsthall (January 15′)

On Six Acts, Art, Social Change, and the Urban Sphere Symposium, CCNY (March 15′) (Starts at minute 51) with Johanna Fateman and Dred Scott. Moderated by  Eva Franch i Gilabert

Carlos Motta and Maya Mikdashi discuss “Deseos”, Ashkal Alwan (May 15′)

Gender Talents Launch with Carlos Motta and Guests, New Museum (May 15′)

Carlos Motta, The Pratt MFA in Writing, Pratt Institute (May 15′)

On Tom of Finland, Artists Space (June 15′) (Starts at minute 17)
(with Bob Nickas, Nayland Blake and Collier Schorr)

On “Patriots, Citizens, Lovers…”, Hromadske International (July 15′)

On the U.S., Latin America and History, Guggenheim Museum (August 15′)

On His SOA/Democracy Cycle Works, Guggenheim Museum (August 15′)

MoMA’s R&D Salon 16: Fluid States of America, MoMA (September 15′)

On “Patriots, Citizens, Lovers…”, PinchukArtCentre (October 15′)

On “We Who Feel Differently”, PinchukArtCentre ( October ’15)

On the workshop “El sexo, el arte y la ciudad” — Galería Arte Actual, Quito (February 14′)

Activism, Visuality and the Needs of Queer Youth,  Keynote Speech, Visual Activism Symposium, SF MoMA (March 14′)

Carlos Motta, Independent Curators International (ICI), (July 14′)

On “We Who Feel Differently” — Interview by Manuela Moscoso, Espai d’art contemporani de Castelló (September 14′)

On “Nefandus Trilogy”, Future Generation Art Prize, PinchukArtCentre (October 14′)

Carlos Motta: An Interview, Video Data Bank (October ’14)

Introduction to “Gender Talents: A Special Address”, Tate Modern (February 13′)

Carlos Motta: CalArts, Visiting Artists Lecture Series, Los Angeles (April 13′)

Introduction to “Godful: Shape Shifting God as Queer”, Union Theological Seminary (audio) (April 13′)

On “Gender Talents”, Creative Capital Retreat (July 13′)

Introduction to “We Who Feel Differently: A Symposium”, New Museum (audio) (May 12′)

Algunos apuntes sobre las políticas del afecto cuir, Lugar a dudas, Cali (August 12′)

Carlos Motta, Signified (March 12′)

Carlos Motta, Lugar a Dudas, Cali (August ’12)

Sobre “Seis Actos” y “Deus Pobre”, Museu Serralves (January 11′)

On “The Good Life”, Smack Mellon  (08′)

Selected Texts/Interviews about Carlos Motta’s Work

Bless the Perverts: The artist Carlos Motta and the writer Rabih Alameddine on recovering the real (and imagined) stories of the demonized
Grand Journal, 2022

Motta, Carlos; Duman, Koray; Kerr Theodore (ted)
The Public and The Void
The Hoosac Institute, 2022

Nelson, Rachel
Carlos Motta: We The Enemy
Exhibition Brochure, Mary Porter Sesnon Gallery, Institute of the Arts and Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz, January 2020

Chávez, Karma
Carlos Motta: We Got Each Other’s Back
Catalogue text for “SOFT POWER,” SFMOMA, October 2019

McGrath, Jack
Carlos Motta: Conatus
Exhibition Brochure, PPOW Gallery, New York, May 2019

Ferreira da Silva, Denise
Corpus Infinitum
Exhibition Catalogue, Galeria Avenida da India, Lisbon, 2019

Betancourt, Manuel
Carlos Motta: on Excavating a Queer Historical Past and Imagining its Future
Extra Extra, March 2019

Formas de libertad: Carlos Motta at MAMM, Medellín
Exhibition review by Nadia Moreno Moya in Terremoto, January 25, 2018

Carlos Motta en Chile, en nuevo latino LGBTQAI,, August 1, 2018

Interview Maya Mikdashi and Carlos Motta on Deseos / رغبات
by Leah Devun and Zeb Tortorici for Transgender Studies Quarterly (TSQ), Fall 2018

The Living Monument
by Hendrik Folkerts, Mousse Magazine, Fall 2018

This Video Exhibit Offers Stark, Intimate Portraits of Queer Refugees
by Zachary Small, them. January 3, 2018

Carlos Motta, ‘The Crossing’, Stedelijk Museum
Frieze Magazine: Critic’s Guide Amsterdam, November 24, 2017

Carlos Motta: REQUIEM
Exhibition brochure including texts by Agustín Pérez-Rubio, Linn Tonstad, Carlos Motta and Marcella Althaus-Reid, MALBA, October 2016

Histories Back Rooms: Carlos Motta Interviewed by Heather Love
Public Culture, Volume 29, Number 1, January 2017

Histories for the Future: Visionary Identification in the Work of Carlos Motta
by David Getsy, Essay, PPOW Gallery catalogue, May 2016

Carlos Motta: Histories for the Future
by Avi Alpert, Miami Rail

by Erin Silver, Essay, Mercer Union Brochure

Somewhere There is a History: A Conversation with Carlos Motta
by Harry J. Weil, Afterimage

Carlos Motta
by Cat Tyc, Bomb Magazine

Carlos Motta, ‘Deviations’
by Holland Cotter, New York Times

Carlos Motta
by Taro Masushio, Artforum’s Critic’s Picks

Carlos Motta: Deviations at PPOW Gallery
by Osman Can Yerebakan

X-Ray of Civilization: Beyond Biopolitics in Carlos Motta’s “Deviations”
by Emily Colucci, filthy dreams

The art practice of Carlos Motta and the archive as a tool for re-enactment and communication
by Stephanie Kogler, World Art

Carlos Motta
by Matthew Rana, Frieze Magazine

Carlos Motta
by Andrew Berardini, ArtReview

Carlos Motta: Deseos at Galerie Mor Charpentier, Paris
by Claire Luna, Arte al Dia

Gender Talents: A Special Address
by Ellen Feiss, Frieze Blog

Gender Talents is Making You Rethink Everything You Thought You Knew About Gender
by Jacklyn Janeksela, Culture Designers

In An Artist’s Video Project, Getting to Know Trans and Intersex Activists
by Benjamin Sutton, Hyperallergic

Carlos Motta Celebrates Gender Performance in Web-Based Project “Gender Talents”
by Alex Teplitzky, Creative Capital Blog

by Michael Sicinski,

Under the Same Sun
by Holland Cotter, New York Times (PDF)

Carlos Motta: Hacia una historiografía homoerótica
by Joseph Mejía and Rafael Garrido, ICONOS — Flacso (PDF in Spanish)

Sus monstruos son nuestros ídolos: A propósito de la Trilogía Nefanda de Carlos Motta
by Carmen Millán de Benavides, Ciclo Rosa Audiovisual – 2014 (PDF in Spanish)

El arte “pecador” de Carlos Motta
by Catalina Obregón, Revista Diners

Carlos Motta: We Who Feel Differently
by Manuela Moscoso, Catalogue from 7.000.000, Espai  dart contemporani de Castelló (PDF in Spanish)

On Queering Dominant Discourses: An Interview with Carlos Motta 
by Juana Berrío, Six Degrees, New Museum’s Blog

Democracy Cycle— An Interview with Carlos Motta 
by Stephanie Kogler, Arara: Art and Architecture in the America(PDF)

Carlos Motta
by Marc Alice Durant, Saint Lucy

Letter to my father (standing by the fence)
by Octavio Zaya, VideoBrasil, Catalogue

Andrea Geyer and Carlos Motta in Conversation, Writing as Practice, Secretary Press (PDF)

Aesthetic Justice: Interview with Carlos Motta by Niels van Tomme
by Niels van Tomme, Anagram Books

Carlos Motta, Artist, On “We Who Feel Differently” and Obama’s Gay Marriage Stance
, Village Voice

Can We Queer the (Art) World, and Why Should We?
by Alexis Clements, Hyperallergic

Carlos Motta: entre el arte y el museo
por Andrés Forero, Premio Nacional de Crítica y Ensayo 2012 (PDF  in Spanish)

Interrogando la diferencia
por Liliana López Sorzano, El Espectador (PDF)

Carlos Motta: Deus Pobre at Y Gallery
by Graciela Kartofel, Artnexus (PDF)

5 Questions for Contemporary Practice with Carlos Motta
by Thom Donovan, art:21 Blog

The Archive as Critique of Power and Power Relations
by Stefanie B. Kogler, University of Essex (PDF)

Enacting a Manifesto
by Gabriela Rangel, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter

Worlds Together- An Hour With Artist Carlos Motta
by Phaedon Zacharoudes, Νερομάνα – Fountain Head

Victim’s Dignity: Interview with Carlos Motta
by Marko Stamenković, Victim’s Symptom

Carlos Motta: Los archivos de inmigrantes
by Martí Manen, Exit Express

An Interview on the Interview: A Conversation between Carlos Motta and Eva Díaz
Art in General

Carlos Motta
by Denise Carvalho, Artnexus

Carlos Motta’s Hemispheric Counter-Pedagogy
by Yates McKee, Real Art Ways

Distortion, Disruption & Dispersion: Reconfigured Retellings
by Margaret Liu Clinton, Kevin Bruk Gallery

Carlos Motta: Consistently Aware
by Sofía Hernández Chong-Cuy, Arte al Dia

Enterrar y callar
by José Ignacio Roca, Alliance Française

Books by Carlos Motta

The Future Lasts Forever, Carlos Motta and Runo Lagomarsino, 2011, Gävle Konstcentrum and Iaspis, Sweden

Petite Mort: Recollections of a Queer Public, Carlos Motta and Joshua Lubin-Levy, 2011, Forever & Today, Inc.

We Who Feel Differently, Carlos Motta and Cristina Motta, Editors, 2011, Ctrl+Z Publishing

The Immigrant Files: Democracy is Not Dead; It Just Smells Funny, 2009, Konsthal C/IASPIS

The Good Life, 2008, Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño

Selected Texts/Interviews by Carlos Motta

De la teoría queer a la descolonización del saber, ERRATA #12

Activism, Visuality, and the Needs of Queer Youth, Journal of Visual Culture (PDF)

Nathan Lee and Carlos Motta: There is Tremendous Ferocity in Being GentleWe Who Feel Differently Journal  

AA Bronson: On the Ineffable Quality of His Life and Work, EXTRA EXTRA, Rotterdam (PDF)

Queer Art & Place, Frieze Magazine (PDF)

Gender Talents: A Special Address, TATE Modern, London

DEMOCRACY, University of California, Santa Cruz

“We Who Feel Differently: A Symposium: An Introduction,” New Museum

Dios es Pobre, The Second World Congress of Free Artists, Aarhus Arts Building

El futuro dura para siempre, SITAC X

“The Skin I Live In”: A Review

Some Notes on the Politics of Queer Affection, Pomona College Museum of Art

Amnesia and Repression, arteBA’10

Postscript: Civilization or Barbarity, The Good Life

Carlos Motta and Sam Gregory in Conversation (audio), Aesthetic Justice Seminar

Allora and Calzadilla, BOMB Magazine

Brigada Ramona Parra, A Prior

Maria Lind, Sjónauki

Oliver Herring, Camerawork

Venas Abiertas, Exit Express

Lesson Plan: Unlearn, NYFA Current

Graciela Sacco,

Shoshana Dentz,

Brian Tolle,

David Ross,

Mariana Silva,

Irit Batsry,