Carlos Motta, Artist


Group Exhibition | The Present Is Not Enough – Performing Queer Histories and Futures at HAU, Berlin

June 13, 2019

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Group Exhibition | “La naturaleza de las cosas: Humboldt, idas y venidas,” Museo de Arte Universidad Nacional de Colombia

April 29, 2019

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Solo Exhibition | “Carlos Motta: Conatus” opening at P.P.O.W Gallery on April 25th

April 22, 2019

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Appointment | Carlos Motta appointed Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Practice at Pratt Institute

April 22, 2019

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Group Exhibition | Carlos Motta in “Home Is a Foreign Place: Recent Acquisitions in Context” at MET Breuer

April 21, 2019

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ARCO | Dialogues: David Wojnarowicz and Carlos Motta, Madrid, Feb. 27-March 3

February 14, 2019

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Solo Exhibition | Carlos Motta: Corpo Fechado, Galeria Avenida da Índia – EGEAC, Lisbon

October 2, 2018

Symposium | Future Genders at MIT, November 10

October 2, 2018

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Artist Lecture | MICA, October 9, 4pm

September 30, 2018

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Group Exhibition | A Group Exhibition with…, Witte de With, Rotterdam

September 14, 2018

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