Carlos Motta, Artist


Group Exhibition | 19 Bienal de Arte Paiz, Guatemala, June 6-July 6

April 23, 2014


more info here

Solo Exhibition | Nefandus by Carlos Motta at El Túnel Arte Alternativo, Cuenca, Ecuador

April 21, 2014

Opening, May 22, 7pm
more info here

Text | Queer Time & Place, Frieze Magazine, May 2014

April 21, 2014

‘What does it mean to make queer art now?’

Paul Clinton asks artists and writers Catherine Lord, Carlos Motta, Charlotte Prodger, James Richards, Prem Sahib and A.L. Steiner to respond.

read survey here

Panel Discussion | Genealogías del arte latinoamericano desde la sexualidad y el género, April 26, PARC, Lima, Peru

April 3, 2014

Foro PArC 2014

Este foro propone una serie de conversaciones en torno a las colecciones, instituciones, espacios, y discursos curatoriales producidos en los últimos años. Las distintas mesas proponen pensar el rol de la investigación –y en algunos casos la experimentación– en las distintas dinámicas de producción de conocimiento en/desde América Latina, tanto para la articulación de los programas de exposiciones en los museos, la creación de plataformas independientes, el trabajo curatorial, el coleccionismo y la historia del arte. El foro intenta pensar como estas dinámicas ensayan otras formas de vinculación con el entorno y la discusión pública, así como proponen otros horizontes para la discusión y la producción del arte contemporáneo en sus respectivos contextos.

6:30 pm. Genealogías del arte latinoamericano desde la sexualidad y el género 
En esta mesa se propone un diálogo en torno a cómo volver a narrar la llamada historia del arte en América Latina desde coordenadas de género, sexualidad, feminismo y disidencia sexual, a fin de revertir los relatos tradicionalmente masculinos y conservadores que nos han sido legados, y así pensar también las posibilidades de la historia del arte como un espacio de sanción disciplinar pero también como un lugar potencial de desobediencia del género.

Fernanda Nogueira (Curadora e investigadora independiente, Sao Paulo / Viena)
Carlos Motta (Artista, Nueva York)
Modera: Miguel A. López (Curador independiente, Lima)

more info here

Group Exhibition | I see in the sea…, CCNY, April 19-May 17, New York

April 3, 2014

I SEE.indd

Conference | The Queer Art of the Counter-Archive, a/p/a NYU, Saturday, April 12, 10:50-11:50am

April 3, 2014


Panel Discussion: The Queer Art of the Counter-Archive, Saturday, April 12, 10:50-11:50am
Harrison Apple, Andy Campbell, and Ryan Conrad. Moderated by Carlos Motta

more info here

Screening and Discussion | The Oncoming Corner # 13: Carlos Motta, Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 28, 2014


Symposium | Visual Activism, San Francisco MoMA, March 14-15

February 26, 2014

Occupy Oakland, November 2, 2011. Photo: Salvador Ingram.

Visual Activism Symposium 
Friday, March 14, 2014, 9am–7pm
Saturday, March 15, 2014, 9am–6pm

Brava Theater Center
2781 24th Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

Visual culture can take the form of political and social activism, and activism often takes on specific, and sometimes surprising, visual forms. How can we better understand forms of communication that take place under threat of war, revolution, or repression? What strategies can be deployed to transform our engagement with the built environment and broader ecologies? How do embedded social hegemonies, such as racism, figure in the larger efforts to engage with activism visually? How is our broader visual culture shaped by activist practices that circulate in public space?

Scholars, artists, and activists address these and related questions in a series of presentations, performances, and interactive projects in San Francisco, California, over the course of two days. Friday’s schedule includes panel conversations on queer tactics, environmentalism, and social-networking activism, a keynote address by artist Carlos Motta, and opportunities for audience members to participate in artist- and activist-led projects, workshops, and critical conversations on the intersections between visual culture and activism.

Saturday’s schedule includes keynote presentations by filmmaker and critic Trinh T. Minh-ha and photographer Zanele Muholi, the Annual General Meeting of the International Association for Visual Culture, and panel discussions on issues of displacement, both locally and internationally, and on the political role of visual culture in areas of conflict, war, and revolution.

Participants include:

–Teddy Cruz, professor of public culture and urbanism, Visual Arts Department, UC San Diego (UCSD); director, UCSD Center for Urban Ecologies; co-director, UCSD-Blum Cross-Border Initiative; and co-director, Civic Innovation Lab, City of San Diego

–Gayatri Gopinath, associate professor of social and cultural analysis and director of Asian/Pacific/American studies, New York University

–Gran Fury Collective members Avram Finkelstein and Robert Vazquez-Pacheco

–The Militant Research Collective (Natalie Bookchin, artist and Photography and Media Program faculty, CalArts; Alexandra Juhasz, professor of media studies, Pitzer College; Nicholas Mirzoeff, professor of media, culture, and communication, New York University; Joan Saab, director, Visual and Cultural Studies Program, and associate professor of art history/visual and cultural studies, University of Rochester

–Trinh T. Minh-ha, filmmaker, writer, composer, and professor of gender and women’s studies and rhetoric, UC Berkeley

–Carlos Motta, artist

–Zanele Muholi, artist and activist

–Lisa Parks, professor of film and media studies, UC Santa Barbara

–Favianna Rodriguez, artist and agitator

–Urban Subjects Collective (Sabine Bitter, artist; Jeff Derksen, poet and critic, Simon Fraser University; Helmut Weber, artist)

more info here

Screening | Carlos Motta’s video Nefandus at IBAFF, Murcia, March 3-9

February 25, 2014


more info here

Two-person Exhibition | Zanele Muholi and Carlos Motta, Arte Actual, Quito, Feb. 19 – March 20

February 10, 2014

Invitacion QP5

more info here