Carlos Motta, Artist


Screening | “Nefandus” at the Rencontres Internationales in Paris, December

November 24, 2014


Du 1er au 7 décembre 2014 à Paris, les Rencontres Internationales créeront pendant 7 jours à la Gaîté lyrique, un espace de découverte et de réflexion entre nouveau cinéma et art contemporain en présence d’invités du monde entier.

Nefandus will be screened: at Gaîté Lyrique, on Thursday December 4 – 14.15 PM

more info here

Group Exhibition | Migraciones, Galería de Arte del Palacio Municipal, Puebla

November 21, 2014


Group Exhibition | Salon de belleza in Utopian Pulse — Flares in the Darkroom, Secession, Vienna, Oct. 22- Nov. 2

September 18, 2014

Salón de Belleza in Utopian Pulse — Flares in the Darkroom 22 October — 02 November 2014 Utopian Pulse — Flares in the Darkroom is a research exhibition divided into 8 salons, curated by a group of artist-curators and perceived as places for the monstrous birth of new alliances. We understand »Utopia« as an always incomplete alternative, the invocation within the given world of something incompatible with, and hostile to, given condition, an assertion of the unrealized in and against the real.

The 7 Salons of Utopian Pulse – Flares in the Darkroom taking place from September 10 to November 2 are curated by Christoph Schäfer, Mariam Ghani, Bert Theis, Zanny Begg, AND AND AND, Pedro G. Romero/Máquina P.H., Miguel A. López.

Salón de Belleza curated by Miguel A. López. With Carlos Motta, Sandra Monterroso, Giuseppe Campuzano, André Masseno, Sergio Zevallos, Virginia de Medeiros, Jaume Ferrete, Open Barbers (Greygory Vass and Felix Lane).

more info here

Screening | “Nefandus” at Muestra internacional documental de Bogotá, October 19

September 17, 2014

more info here

Screening and Talk | Marine Hugonnier et Carlos Motta, Jeu de Paume, Paris October 14, 6:30pm

September 16, 2014

Inventer le possible. Une Vidéothèque éphémère

Projections & rencontres avec Marine Hugonnier et Carlos Motta

le 14 octobre 2014

18h30 – 21h00

more info here

Group Exhibition | Inventer le possible: Une vidéothèque éphémère, Jeu de Paume, Paris, Oct. 14- Feb. 8

September 9, 2014

Inventing the Possible: Ephemeral Video Library

The artists
Edgardo Aragón Díaz; Yto Barrada; Eric Baudelaire; Ursula Biemann; Wim Catrysse; Martin Le Chevallier; Declinación Magnética; Theo Eshetu; Mahdi Fleifel; Yang Fudong; Sirah Foighel Brutmann et Eitan Efrat; Peter Friedl; Pauline Horovitz; Marine Hugonnier; Hayoun Kwon; Naeem Mohaiemen; Wendy Morris; Carlos Motta; Els Opsomer; Daniela Ortiz & Xosé Quiroga; Anxiong Qiu; Khvay Samnang; Allan Sekula; Hito Steyerl; Atsushi Wada; Artur Żmijewski.

Hilde Van Gelder, professor of modern and contemporary art history at KU Leuven and director of the Lieven Gevaert Centre for Photography, and Marta Ponsa, head of art projects and cultural outreach, Jeu de Paume.

more info here

Screening and Talk | Conversations at the Edge, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Oct. 2, 6pm

September 9, 2014

Carlos Motta: Nefandus Trilogy
Thursday, October 2, 6:00 p.m.
Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 N. State St.
School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Carlos Motta in person

Carlos Motta’s practice draws upon various political histories in an attempt to articulate counter narratives that recognize suppressed histories, communities, and identities. Composed of the three films NefandusShipwreck (Naufragios),and The Defeated (La visión de los vencidos), his 2013 Nefandus Trilogy is a haunting examination of pre-Hispanic homoeroticism and its brutal stigmatization during Europe’s colonization of the Americas. Motta accompanies the trilogy with excerpts from his ongoing Democracy Cycle, including We Who Feel Differently (2011), a database documentary that addresses critical issues of contemporary queer culture, and Gender Talents(in-progress), a multiplatform documentary on international trans and intersex activism.

more info here

Group Exhibition | The Unwritten, Marres House for Contemporary Culture, Maastricht, September 7 – November 23

August 21, 2014

The Unwritten explores possible histories. It documents personal, and reconfigures collective stories by adding silent episodes, surprising prequels of what we know to have become official history.

With works by Adela Babanova, Zachary Formwalt, Annie Kevans, Gert Jan Kocken, Carlos Motta, Song Ta and Koki Tanaka.

more info here

Group Exhibition | Gwangju Biennale, South Korea, September 5- November 9

August 21, 2014


more info here

Screening | Fuso, Anual de Video Arte Internacional de Lisboa, August 30, 10pm

August 21, 2014

5 Years, 6 Works, 7 Artists, LOOP Awards 2010-2014
Garden of Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga // 30th AUG // 22h00
Programmed by CONRADO URIBE // LOOP

more info here